This morning, I plunked down in front of the computer screen in the office / cat-room, still in my PJs, happily sipping a cup of freshly brewed Starbucks Christmas Blend (you have to buy a LOT at Christmastime in order to still be working through the last bag in May!). 7:43AM: the phone rings. Andrea is having car troubles.
- Get dressed
- Turn off washing machine
- Turn off computer screen
- Pack-up lap top
- Pack-up books for the day
- Kiss the kitties good-bye
- Drive to auto-shop
- Drive Andrea to work and discuss what to do about cars (hers has problems, mine has problems. . . two new cars (a Mazda3, a Toyota Matrix, something else?) while going to seminary full-time OR commuting that involves one of us adding an additional 45 minutes to an hour of drive-time to our commute each day, bemoaning the lack of adequate public transportation in suburbia, etc., etc., etc.)
- Drive self to school