God Bless Parents

BIAS: I am not a parent.

Children are fascinating. I spent several hours today with my 8-year old niece at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago. If there was something to do we could stop - however, if it was not self-explanatory (i.e., had "too many" (egad!) words to explain it or if it didn't work the way it "should" on the first try), then we were running off to the next item in the exhibit.

My own emotions fascinated me as I alternated between feeling guilty for not being an adult who has that innate talent to keep a child amused and feeling grumpy because I didn't get to spend the time I wanted to at exhibits that interested me (ah, the child still alive within me!)

For those of you who are blessed with children of your own, God bless you. As for me, I am thankful to be an aunt who gets to enjoy a few days of "parenthood" every summer when one of my nieces comes to visit. And, at the end of the day, I can only pray to God using the words of Psalm 91 (appointed Psalm for the Feast Day of Saint Bartholomew), "'You are my refuge and my stronghold, my God in whom I put my trust.' Please don't leave me!!!!! Amen."
