The Two Pentecost Letters

According to Diana Butler Bass, as reported by Daniel Burke of the Religion News Service, 150 years from now scholars will look at The Two Pentecost Letters [I am inclined to capitalize these words as scholars now capitalize the words "Luther's 95 Theses" as perhaps one day they will carry the same historical weight] as the moment when the Anglican Communion broke apart.

While none of us will be around to know if she's right, I think all Episcopalians and Anglicans should be familiar with both letters and, if so inclined, ought to actively engage both texts.

Daniel Burke, "Episcopal head lashes out at Anglican `colonial’ uniformity, discipline" Religion News Service (June 3, 2010) available online here [accessed June 4, 2010].

Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, "Renewal in the Spirit: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Pentecost Letter to the Bishops, Clergy and Faithful of the Anglican Communion" available for download as a Microsoft Word document at this site [accessed June 4, 2010].

Presiding Bishop and Primate of The Episcopal Church, Katharine Jefferts Schori, "A Pastoral Letter to The Episcopal Church" available online in print [accessed June 4, 2010] or here as an audio file here:

For a response from The Rev. Lowell Grisham, spokesperson and co-convener of The Chicago Consultation, click here. The same length provides a summary of the response from Integrity. Their full response, can be accessed here.

To add your own response, please post a comment; if you have not posted before or if you are new to the blogosphere, I recommend reading the Episcopal Cafe's "Feedback and Commentary" notes as they are, I think, one of the better sets of guidelines for Christian dialogue in cyberspace.
